Video Game
Video Games, Interactive Applications,
Extended Reality (VR/AR), Digital Art,
UX/UI and Web Design

Game Development
Full-cycle game development from the concept, game design, and prototypes to release and post-release support.

Visualization & Digital Art
Realistic or stylized 3D visualizations of environments, objects, characters. 2D concept art and illustrations.

Interactive Applications
Interactive 3D environments, virtual worlds, extended reality applications for PC, mobile and other platforms.

UX/UI Design & Websites
Full range of digital design services from user interfaces to web design and development.

Explore the fantasy world of Ars Notoria, a survival-action RPG set inside an open-world sandbox that lets you hunt powerful possessed creatures.
Strike out on your own or play together with friends to build a sprawling faction, utilizing deep crafting mechanics and strategic recruiting of allies.
About us
XRON Software is a software development company originally founded by Carlos Shui and Oleksandr Denysov and based in Barcelona, Spain. We develop video games, virtual worlds, and interactive 3D environments for PCs, consoles, mobile devices and other platforms. Our projects allow users to fully immerse themselves in a variety of virtual environments: from fully simulated cities to photorealistic visualizations of individual objects.
We aim to build virtual spaces where the users are direct participants and creators. Make virtual worlds more realistic, detailed, and varied, provide users a much wider ranger of opportunities to interact with the virtual environments.